All of my Ace in someone's place drawings




What oc drawing “complation” should I do next? Also what’s your favourite from all these pics?


Blue haired character owns; @FlickLashe

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eI love them all,but my faves probably the one where he looks happy

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If someone did _ how would Ace react complation. Also the one where they are blushing

Very nice! They all look good!

U wanna explain more, because I didn’t understand a s-

Like if you said “If Someone hugged Ace, how would they react?” or "If Someone offered them a fist bump, how would they react?’

(His pronouns are he/him)

Also I still didn’t understand-

(oki, ty)
So just draw how he would react to being hugged, or whatever else is in the blank, is that better explained?

He practically stole all Hunter scenes

2 Me gusta

Yup :,)

1 me gusta

Wow y really love it!!!

he did though lol :sweat_smile:

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