Explain your worst hear me outs I want to laugh also you might change my mind

@v4lv4t1n3 you explain fyodor.
Anyways just explain why you think that character is hot like for ex: Their eyes, style, face.

9 Me gusta

Help I didn’t understand

3 Me gusta

tell why a character is hot to you

3 Me gusta


  1. People call him a rat, which, my old friends used to call me rat, therefore I am close to Fyodor
  2. He likes a white haired man, which, means he has good tastes
  3. HE’S A FUCKIN SLUTTY WAIST THAT IS EXTREMLY GRABBABLE- like I would force him to dance like how Dazai did to sigma
  4. He’s got those pretty little eyes that I could gouge out (THIS IS A JOKE)
  5. His hair may be greasy as fuck, but it’s looks so silky and and my sensory issue having ass would love to just run my finger through it
  6. He’s an absolute mastermind, he can explain stuff in a way that my dumb ass would understand
  7. He’s just overall so fucking pretty like omfg skhskfeijsoegdish
4 Me gusta

soooo you ike russians well uh I know a russian you could be with…me.
Fine those are somewhat good points maybe I just need to rewatch some eps to see it fully

4 Me gusta

About russians, I love listening them speakin english for some reason

(I dunno why)

5 Me gusta

Well um I kinda had accent I just need to force it a bit

2 Me gusta

Wait u russian?

2 Me gusta

hear me out on jesus christ-

2 Me gusta

Ye ye but I kinda forgot how to speak it

2 Me gusta

Ooh, that’s a pity (i think?)

2 Me gusta

I’m kidding btw but i’m laughing so hard rn :sob:

4 Me gusta


I just like “please, don’t understand me”


He’s such a babygirl, a failure, and even he looks so cute?1.1?1?1?1??1?1
It may be annoyed, weird and also captured Vee, BUT


I can fix him I swear

3 Me gusta

Jag hoppas att du skämtar

2 Me gusta

Hear me out- Mahito from jjk.

  1. He’s silly :sparkles::sparkles:
  2. He likes bubbles :bubbles::bubbles:
  3. He’s pretty :mirror_ball:
  4. He may be a wee bit sadistic, but only the best of anime men r <3 :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:
  5. He may have killed junpei, but he makes up for it by being silly :crazy_face::crazy_face:
  6. He protects his game pieces :muscle::muscle:

(I am delusional, he would probably hate me-)

3 Me gusta

Bro where did you get that disco ball emoji thing

1 me gusta

Idk I just search ‘mirr’ since I was gonna look up ‘mirror’ amoung emojis and it showed up

you can’t fix him
don’t try
don’t waste ur time.

3 Me gusta

lmao i kinda have a russian accent tho i wish i didn’t

4 Me gusta

Ily /plat

3 Me gusta