Guys guys should I confess to my crush?

Okay so forget Emma that did not work out very well and I like Jack now he likes me. He has a mullet and wants to get a piercing maybe he also is just such a sweetheart like he worships me anyway I told him I loved him but panicked the next day and said I didn’t mean it and that it was a casual I love you. Now my wingwoman Gail is urging me to confess so we can have double dates should I do it? Should I just confess

  • yaur
  • yea
  • do it already you stupid dumb whore you’re choosing to be single he wants you so stop complaining about not having anyone when you could
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broski just TELL HIM AAGFHKS

1 me gusta

Yeah but… answer 3??
haha but do it!, he loves youuu

1 me gusta


1 me gusta

Just go ahead and tell him!

1 me gusta

Do ittt. He sounds like a great person.

1 me gusta

Do it!! Tell us if you did btw :3

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