La mafia italiana dichiara guerra agli Stati Uniti

Noi della mafia italiana abbiamo deciso di dichiarare guerra agli Stati Uniti. I gringos meritano di morire, quindi ci affronteranno faccia a faccia. :face_with_monocle:

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Ma in inglese, mia cara, non capiranno :pensive::facepunch:

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Se qualcuno non capisce, usi il traduttore. :pensive::facepunch:

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Verissimo, mio caro :face_with_monocle::facepunch:

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Sì, ci sono molte persone pigre nel mondo. :face_with_monocle::ok_hand:

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Sono d’accordo con te, la mafia italiana distruggerà i gringos

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Cuando será el enfrentamiento
Intentare asistir :face_with_monocle:

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@SolverAshley & @AndrewInTheGrave
Start translating, they are declaring war on the USA XD

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qe calajos dijo ???

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Stiamo ancora aspettando una risposta dagli Stati Uniti. :face_with_monocle:

Usa il traduttore, figliolo

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Oh really

Luckily I’m not even from the English :norway::norway::norway::norway::norway::norway::ru::ru::ru::ru::ru::ru:

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& Ozzy?

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ay chamo resulto bilingue

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(Ur nationality, probably)

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Oh then no

Sadly i am an American and was forced to learn our national anthem…

I…i can still hear it…my music teacher yelling…ugh

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C’est moi XD & I remember little, and I think half of what I remember is from a comment I read XD

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