Omg it's so cold outside is my skin supposed to look like this or what. I can't tell cuz my skin looks whiter than paper XD that's why I'm asking

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I mean- My skin is literally white as hell but with like splotches of red/pink.

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Like this??? I feel numb. Idk how to move em right cuz it’s so cold. I should of never washed my hands before coming outside. But the hand soap smelled like marshmallows I couldn’t resist!!

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Uhm. If your numb then no it ain’t normal-

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Es lo mismo aquí (Irán).

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I’m inside now… thank goodness I didn’t get frostbite. It’s not that cold it’s 43°F.

6.11111° C

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Its literally 26°F where i live rn-

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and snowing-

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Holy crud… that’s worse than mine. Do you have school

Nope :+1:

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Wow zee I have school even tho there was a shelter in place yesterday. Ugh … we have 174 days in my school year but I think it’s more than that. And 440 instructional daily minutes to build in make-up days if necessary…

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Let me do it for you. Let me do it for you when will I do it for you kermie?

gracias a Dios
Llenando 20 letras

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43 DEGREES F? bro that’s like
frostbite cold for texas

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I’ve been outside for 30 minutes i could of gotten frost bite if it was zero degrees Fahrenheit or below and since my hands were already cold because I washed them they could of gotten it at 15 degrees below zero with even a little bit of wind, but yeah its not that cold plus i put my hands in my pockets every few seconds I didn’t get it…

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that is COLD (filler)

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Yeah it’s freezing- It’s hard for me to type right now because my fingers are so tensed up

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I happened and I had my hands red

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in my country I’m dying of heat : "v

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