I’m fighting against the little voice in my head, which is yelling; “Give her vitiligo, Give her vitiligo!!”
Requested by; @Willow_Nature
Who should I do next?
Also I think I’m getting sick…
8 Me gusta
Oh my titan she’s beautiful
1 me gusta
Hehe, I’m going to make you soon simp over everyone- jkjkjk
There’s a few people I’ll never simp for. Trashdalia for one
Agreed, fellow simpin bestie, agreed
Trashdalia, Belos, and Kikimora can go die in holes for all i care
1 me gusta
Kiki was so close to redemption too after King’s Tide
She waaaass
then she screwed it all up, then turned pyscho
like, wth
Also, how did NONE know it was kIki in S3 EP2?
she just had a wig on…
1 me gusta
I mean, it’s the boiling isles, she really could’ve been anyone
Or a basilisk…-
Yeah, but i wasn’t the only one who instantlly thought “IS that kiki? Or a family member of hers…?”
1 me gusta
Probably not lol
Okie, sweets
1 me gusta
Have you done willow??
Darius Gus crossover on the bed right thereXD
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