So I remember telling someone I'm Acesexual and they said I'm a clone then

I remember being in science class and the teacher was talking about Asexual reproduction in cells and stuff and then people would tell me hey are you a clone. You said you’re asexual and I said no I’m Acesexual the spelling is different dodo head! And I told the teacher and the teacher was all like. Oh I don’t believe in that stuff. And I was confused on what she meant by that…


I was also reading this article on my phone about a lady who had a kid without surgery or anything actually. The kid was just an exact clone of her. It had no father

2 Me gusta

kajskajs I was confusing asexual with acesexual which is something totally different.

2 Me gusta

What’s kajskajs mean?

asexual one is the reproduction of the cells of a plant, etc.
and the other acesexual is a person who does not experience much sexual attraction.

2 Me gusta

What if someone infertile… I’m curious…

I don’t really know, I don’t think it changes a person’s sexual orientation.

1 me gusta

Well actually I’m this

1 me gusta

Oh okay. I was just thinking about the asexual stuff. Well they can get artificial insemination but yeah…

1 me gusta

aaa, I don’t know, I think they have some similarities but they are not the same, aromantic and acexesual are different.

2 Me gusta

Yeah one a sexuality the other different. I just wanted to add the aromatic one just cuz.

1 me gusta

I was too! I feel stupid now-

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