The owl house rebot is a rebot well dont change alot of thing just add new character or change some things like the red brid death to just he lose all hes power and be a normal brid but that change well be for a new Thing well change alot for the story
Let’s start with who is the first new character he well apper in the first episode and hes name well be black and he is the big brother of luz but he well be bigger than luz with a just one day and he well be main show character with luz there name well be (the noceda twin) they well be like dipper and mabel from the gravti falls
What the new things i well I add be Side the new character is well change alot of details like add more fight and make eda more power full for i see the Studio made eda like a joke for the Early episode and i well change that another thing i want to do is the magic power types i well change and i well add another character he well be the most power full witch in the hole boiling isles history i well not say hes name for alot reasons but hes Title well be (lord of darknes)
And ya that is all what i well say about
The owl house rebot please leave a like if you read this for i want to no if there is some one want me to do this rebot or not ok