The Sabrine & Tailey story: chapter 3

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Chapter 3: An unexpected change

Sabrine hadn’t stopped watching the “bad boy” thrashing around in the trap. She felt guilty. But why did she feel that way? Tailey noticed this.

– Is something wrong?

Sabrine looked at Tailey and hesitated if she should do what she had in mind. After a few seconds of silence, Sabrine sighed and answered.

– I was thinking… does this dragon really deserve to be captured?

– What do you mean? – Tailey asked, raising an eyebrow.

– It doesn’t seem fair that this dragon is suffering… and I thought about… keeping him…

Tailey was first surprised, but then smiled.

– You really are a hunter with a heart. But what are you going to do to make him behave? And even more importantly, what are you going to bring to your boss?

Sabrine’s mind went blank. She could train the dragon to behave, but she wouldn’t have anything to save herself from misery.

– I… I don’t know…

Tailey’s expression softened and she thought of a solution.

– What if… you stay with me and my family until you get ahead?

Sabrine looked at Tailey, between disbelief, surprise and gratitude.

– Are you serious?

– Yes. Very serious. I can’t allow a hunter with a heart like you to starve.

– But I’m a hunter anyway…

Tailey sighed and stepped forward, looking Sabrine in the eyes.

– You’ve spared my life. And that’s invaluable. I don’t hate hunters, much less humans. I hate those who hurt my family.

Sabrine looked back at the cloth trap where the “bad boy” was and agreed with Tailey. Why did he hunt all kinds of dragons instead of those who had hurt his family? She felt selfish, just the opposite of how the little dragon had described her before.

– I… also hate those who hurt my family.

– It seems that we are not so different after all…

Sabrine sighed and nodded.

– I guess I could stay with you and your family, at least until I get out of all this.

– That’s the spirit! Then, let’s go.

Sabrine giggled as she opened the trap where the “bad boy” was. He first spat glitter in her face and began to flutter around, but then Tailey offered him a flower and he ate it with pleasure. In this way, the dragon stayed with them, eating some flower from time to time. The three of them tried to find their way back to Tailey’s village, but to no avail. Then Tailey had an idea.

– How about we ask the bad boy to detect the scent of my father’s flowers?

– That’s a great idea! Well, um, he doesn’t have an official name yet. But I think we should call him Bad Boy.

– I love that name! It suits him very well, actually.

Sabrine giggled and told Bad Boy to detect the scent. At first he ignored it, but after being offered another flower, he started trying to smell Tailey’s father’s flowers.

When he smelled the flowers, he pointed in a direction and Tailey gave him a flower in gratitude. Bad Boy ate it with pleasure. They started walking in that direction.

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