The Sabrine & Tailey story: chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Arrival at The Village

As they walked, our protagonists had small talk about the differences and similarities between the two species. One of the questions Sabrine asked Tailey was:

– So… do you get along with your family?

– Of course! They’re the best. Even though my father sometimes gets scared or angry with me, he loves me a lot. My brother loves me a lot too. And my grandmother too. And my cousin too, even though he doesn’t say it or show it…

As Tailey spoke, Sabrine noticed that she didn’t mention her mother, but she didn’t say anything about it. She wondered why, but preferred to distract herself by asking something else:

– That’s great… do you think they’ll accept a human like me under their roof?

– Surely… I’m not completely sure but I have hope. Besides, my brother and grandmother are going to really like you! I can already feel it!

Sabrine just nodded at her words, still questioning the previous topic. But he was soon out of his mind again, when Bad Boy announced that they had arrived at The Village.

Before them stood a huge gate, guarded by two dragons, apparently the guards, the tallest of Tailey. Despite not being that big compared to Sabrine, they were still intimidating to her.

– Fiery morning! – Tailey said, approaching them – And by the way, there’s nothing to worry about the tall one.

– Fiery morning, Tailey – the guards replied. They both opened the doors so Tailey, Sabrine, and Bad Boy could enter The Village. Not without one of the guards giving Sabrine a suspicious look, of course.

The Village’s atmosphere was a surprising mix of old and new. It had surprisingly advanced aspects, such as the building, comfort, and medicine. There was also incredible security, but at the same time it wasn’t uncomfortable. Although they completely dispensed with advanced technologies, everything seemed calm and comfortable.

All the inhabitants were dragon-people with different jobs, such as craftsmen, farmers, guards, shop assistants, doctors, etc. Sabrine was impressed by how advanced they were for the time, and at the same time how archaic the atmosphere was. Some of the inhabitants looked at Sabrine with curiosity, others with suspicion, and a few with fear. She felt a little bad about this, but it soon dissipated when Tailey announced that they had arrived at her house. It was a medium-sized house made of stone with a thatched roof, but it had glass doors and windows, perfectly placed. Before entering, Tailey approached Sabrine to whisper a few things:

– First, you have to say “fiery morning” if you want to be nice. And second, I know that you are a hunter, it remains a secret.

– “Fiery morning”? Like good morning?

– Sure, whatever. But it was clear, right?

– Yeah, yeah.

– Well, here we go.

Tailey’s hand reached out to press the doorbell to her house.

Yeah, another chapter xd

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Two chapters in one day, good work

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