[tw?] So this happened yesterday

I was in the food line, and this boy from my classs went out of nowhere “You arreee fat!”

And I wasn’t even bothered [I know my size, y’know?] , also because the dude’s built like a toothpick. So I went like:
“Lemme get down on your level real quick mr.toothpick… You are so damn small a stork could still take your ass and deliver you to another family. We could put you in a group of kindergartners and nobody would notice.”

But trust me, I actually did not get bothered, just wanted to give him the good ol’ comeback.

15 Me gusta

Hope your doing alright!

1 me gusta

DUDE YOU ARE A LEGEND, i wish i could give combacks like that

2 Me gusta

Best comeback like i’ve ever read

You absolutely slayed

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I’m just being real :sob:
Like at least I stay on the ground when it’s windy

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bruh did you at least visit him in the hospital after that burn

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awesome my dudee

filler filler

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A toothpick? Sounds like my boyfriend-

Though I guess it was a very good comeback, dear mentor @Huntlow_f0r3v3r

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