What do you use to draw digital/ Que usas para dibujar en digital

I use Procreate on my iPad (2021 or 2022 model) and an Apple Pencil

Yo uso Procreate en mi iPad (modelo de 2021 o 2022) y un lapiz de digital

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Yo uso IbisPaint x (aunque debería buscar apps nuevas) y una lapicera que funciona como lapiz digital (y esta toda rota y funciona XD).

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Ibis Paint, Huawei something (a tablet) and why use the finger when the tablet comes with a pen

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Uso y he usado:

• IbisPaintX
• MediBang Paint
• Magma

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Yo uso en mi tablet la app Painter y un lapiz que venia con la tablet

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Ibispaint on my iPad, and my fingers :+1:

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I’m a 1/2 finger artist (when my pencil dies)

Dibujo con mi dedo parte del tiempo (quando mi lapiz se murre y nececito cargar lo)

I also use Kleki on my phone and Magma on my school computer
Tambien uso Kleki en mi Mobil y magma en mi computadora de escuela

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I use Linea sketch with my Apple Pencil. I feel like I’m the only one lol.

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I’ve never heard of it lol

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This is the default theme for the app but I usually have it on other colors

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Ibis paint X desde mi teléfono y mis dedos soy pobre xd

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I use IbisPaint X on both iPad and phone
I also use an Apple Pencil on the iPad but I haven’t used it in months

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Uso el dedo y IbisPaint…

(Casi no dibujo en digital por eso, pero pronto tendré una tablet)

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Ibis paint y los dedos>>>>>>>>>

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ibis paint x. because it more easy than other app (imo) and my fingers

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sketchbook y mouse xd

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i literally just use kleki bc my stupid ass fire don’t have ibis

I used to use Kleki it’s pretty good for a free website from what I’ve done

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yeah i might get ibis soon but the only reason i don’t have it is bc it’s not in the amazon appstore :sob:

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Rip hope you can get ibis, I heard that it’s rly good but I’ve never used it so I wouldn’t know

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